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Fresh Stations Page Design
See the new Stations page layout with more details about the information you need to run Check-Ins and decreasing noise from the things you don’t.

Introducing Forms in Planning Center People
Say hello to Forms—a new way for you to hear directly from the people in your church by giving them opportunities to share information with you.

More Settings for Your Check-Ins Locations
Simplify your Sunday by deciding how you want Check-Ins to assign people to locations.

Service Type Wizard
Gives new users the context they need to learn and power-users the tools to create Service Types faster with the new three-step process.

Bundled Scheduling & Notification Emails
We are reducing the number of emails your team receives by bundling Scheduling Requests, Blockout Notifications, and Accepted Request Notifications.

Navigate Faster with Improved Universal Search
Navigate to almost any page in Services with the improved Universal Search. Use it to quickly find Songs, Media, Teams, Positions, and People!

Planning Center Summer Update 2018
Watch our update video to learn how the major new features and updates from the last few months to all our applications can help you in your ministry!

Expiring Card Replacements
Giving smooths the transition to a new card if the payment processor does not automatically replace it.

Improve Your Group Planning with RSVP Requests
Wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly how many people are planning to come to your event? You can! Include an RSVP request in your group event reminders!

Email Templates in Lists
Decrease the time you spend copying, pasting, and recreating content by streamlining your mass-emailing process with email templates for Lists!

Update Profiles in Workflows
Updating Profiles is such a common workflow step, we decided to make the process easier by enabling you to update profiles from within the workflows!

Digest Email for Notes
Make sharing notes easier with an automatic email notification sent to specific people whenever a new note is created in a category.

Emergency Contact Field in Registrations
Have the right information at your fingertips in case of an emergency with the newly added Emergency Contact field in Registrations!

GDPR and Privacy Shield Compliance
This is our statement outlining how Planning Center complies with the standards of both the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Privacy Shield.

Manned and Self Stations for Registration Events
We updated the integration between Check-Ins and Registrations so you can check people into events using Manned and Self Stations.

Improved Registration Flow
We improved the flow of the event signup process in Registrations so that it is faster and easier for people to complete a registration.

Add Files from Services Mobile 3.5
Last week we released Services 3.5 for iOS and Android, which now includes the ability to attach files to Songs and Media from your mobile device.

The Icons, They Are A Changin'
Our app icons are getting a makeover! Read this post to get behind-the-scenes insights on why!

A New Way to Manage Groups
We are excited to officially start transitioning leaders from managing their groups on Church Center to Planning Center.

New Campus Dropdown on People Profiles
We snuck an extra feature into the release of our new People Profile page: a Campus dropdown so you can track what campuses people in your church attend!

Shared Conflicts
We added a new option to the Conflict Resolver in Resources so you can allow multiple events to share rooms and resources.