Happy March! It might be cold outside, but hopefully these new features will be a spot of warmth and help you in the months ahead. ❄️

Build Your To-Do List with Automations
Create new tasks automatically as soon as someone completes an action like accepting a serving request or filling out a form.
Watch the video to learn how to automatically create tasks! 📺

Text People Through Clearstream in Planning Center
Use a local Clearstream number to text your congregation right from the People database.
Learn how to add Clearstream to your account.

Build Your Church Website Using a Grid Block Layout
Organize your Church Center website and app creatively with grid block options.
Check out the video for a walk-through of how it works! 📺

For Group Leaders: View Attendance Reports in Church Center
Group leaders can get a pulse on people’s engagement and see who needs a follow-up!
Watch the video to learn how to find the new attendance reports. 📺

Automate Tasks When Planning Events
Create tasks automatically when someone fills out an event request form in Calendar.
Learn what kind of event-related tasks you can automate.

Let Congregants Manage Their Own Household Details
Empower congregants to manage their own households by adding or removing members in Church Center!
See how you can enable this feature for your church!

Build Your Own Features Into Planning Center
Use the Add-Ons API to build custom integrations right into the Planning Center system.
Learn what steps you need to take to build your own add-on feature.
We’ll see you again in May with the next round of New for You! Subscribe to the blog to see updates as they come out!
💙 The Planning Center Team