For all of its joy, ministry can also feel hectic—making sure information doesn’t fall through the cracks can be tricky.  

Now you can schedule your emails to go out automatically on a future date and time to make that communication piece a little easier!

No more scrambling to get that email out at just the right moment. No more forgetting or wondering if you actually did send the email you needed to.

With this new scheduling option, you can plan ahead and send out announcements, reminders, and updates well in advance.

Here’s how it works.

Preset the Date and Time for Emails to Send

When you create a new email to send to one of your lists, you'll see the option to schedule the send date. That send date can be up to one month out.

Just pick your preferred day and time to send the email, then sit back and relax knowing it'll go out right when you want it to.

The email will be delivered to everyone on the selected list at the scheduled send time.

If you have an automatically refreshing list, the recipients could change a bit before it goes out. But there’s nothing to worry about—you’ll still be sending to the most up-to-date group of people.

The email modal in Planning Center People with a drop-down to select a send date and time.

View Email History and Make Last Minute Edits

You can also check the email history screen to see any scheduled emails or past sends. You can also update any content before your scheduled emails go out!

The email history page in Planning Center People with scheduled emails and past emails listed.

We’re so excited for you to start using this new scheduling tool. It'll save you time—and maybe even a few headaches. 😉

Happy scheduling!

💙 The People Team