Small group attendance is one of the ways to ensure people aren’t forgotten and stay plugged in.

But the task of taking attendance isn't always done by a group leader—sometimes a little extra help is needed in the details so the group leader can focus on the broader group.

That’s why there’s a new permission level that allows group members to take attendance!

Give Members Permission in Church Center

Group leaders can give any member attendance permission in Church Center. The group members with attendance permission will be limited to that action—they won’t be able to accept new members, add resources, or create events.

A person's group profile on Church Center mobile with a toggle switched on enabling them to take attendance.

Take Attendance in Church Center

Group members can only take attendance in Church Center.

Once a group leader gives a group member permission, the group member will receive email and push notification reminders to take attendance 10 minutes before the event starts. They'll also see the "Take Attendance" button, note when there’s a first-time visitor, and even take notes!

A group attendance screen on the Church Center app with profile pictures of members.

Group leaders will likely be the primary people to grant attendance permission, but you can also change attendance permission from the admin side of Planning Center Groups, too.

That’s it! Allowing group members to take attendance frees group leaders to focus more on making attendees feel welcomed and kicking off the discussion!

🧡 Team Groups