What is happening when?

With more and more churches continuing to host some events virtually and others in-person‚ it feels like the calendar might be lying to us. Are you sure this event hasn’t been canceled? Is the monthly prayer meet-up on Zoom? Do I need to pre-register for Sunday service, or can I just show up?

As of today, it might get a little easier to keep people in the loop.

You can now share your Calendar events to Church Center, a custom mobile app and web experience where congregations can go to engage with your content.

Mobile Calendar Events

Share Individual Events to Church Center

You probably don’t want to share every single event in Church Center, unless you want people’s calendars to be inundated with all-staffs and leadership team meetings.

So share on an event-by-event basis in the settings or when you create a new event.

The Settings tab in Calendar with the visibility and registration URL on Church Center highlighted.

This is also the perfect opportunity to show people the next step towards getting involved by including a link to the Registrations signup form!

The new Calendar integration with Registrations allows you to attach a signup form to the event so it’s easy for people to figure out how to participate. Church Center will take them right to the Registrations signup from the event index in Calendar!

Publish the Calendar

Today we released Planning Center Publishing—a brand new product to help you manage your presence in the Church Center mobile app and web.

Publishing is where you’ll go to publish your event calendar to Church Center and make it public for your congregation.

This feature is live in Calendar, so the only thing you have to do is get set up in Publishing, which you can do for free.

You can learn more about Publishing in the announcement post, or jump straight into setting up in Calendar by following the instructions in this article.

If you need help along the way, our support team is ready to answer any of your questions.

Giving your church access to the calendar can be the first step to bringing them into your community in a meaningful way—we hope Church Center can help.

♥️  Planning Center