Taking attendance is pretty simple when people are physically present, but what about when you're hosting services or classes virtually?

With the latest release of the Church Center app, congregants can now check their entire families into an event from home!

This feature might be especially useful while your church is hosting online services, but it's really designed for any situation in which you want to take attendance, but don't want to print labels.

So how does this work?

Once you enable this setting, make sure at least one location has no labels; perhaps a location called Online Service.

When a congregant goes to the Check-In tab in the Church Center app they will be able to select their household members, choose their location, and check in, as if it were a normal Sunday. The difference is that if they chose the location with no labels, like the Online Service, they will all be checked in immediately, without having to scan a QR code.

Self Check-in

Down the road, you can use this feature on a normal Sunday morning to take attendance for an entire family, including adults who are attending a worship service and don’t need labels.

For now, we hope this feature is a way for you to be aware of your congregation’s involvement, notice those who may be falling through the cracks, and those who may need additional support.

Keep doing good work,
The Check-Ins Team