On the new Church Center app, your congregation can quickly log in with their phone number— and we’re excited to bring this easier login experience to Church Center in the browser!
Until now, when a congregant wanted to log in to Church Center, we sent them an email with a login button. This system was less than ideal. Sometimes emails were slow to arrive, other times they arrived in the wrong place because they got caught in email client filters.
Now, when a congregant points their browser to the Church Center side of Giving, Groups, or Registrations, they can log in with their mobile phone number. They simply enter the six-digit code that we text to them and they’re in! *

These codes arrive faster than emails, aren’t dependent on complex email software, and are more secure than email login buttons.
And if your church subscribes to multiple apps with a Church Center presence, this new login system has an added bonus: your congregation no longer has to log in to each app individually.
Let’s say someone just made a donation in Giving and now they want to register for an event in Registrations. Before, they had to log in again when they clicked over to Registrations; but with this update, they are already logged in and ready to sign up.
We want to make it easy for congregants to engage with your church — and we hope these login improvements make it even easier.
Wishing you speedier, more secure logins,
The Church Center, Giving, Groups, and Registrations Teams
* People can still choose to log in using their email address, in which case they’ll receive the six-digit verification code in their inbox instead. If your organization is located outside of the U.S. or Canada, email will be used for verification by default.