Calling all Registration users!
We are delivering on one of the main, recurring feature requests showing up in our support queue—event page organization using campus and ministry categories.
You can now organize your events so church attendees and visitors can quickly and easily find events relevant to them at the campus they attend when navigating your church’s public events page.
Administrator View
When filling out the details for a specific event, like Snowboarding, you can select the church campus at which the event is being held and which ministry category the event is for.
If the same event is happening at multiple campuses on the same day at the same time, then click on all of the campuses involved and the event will be on every selected campus’ event page.
Any previously used campus or ministry categories will appear in the dropdown. You can create new campuses in your church’s account settings, and add new categories in the Categories dropdown on the main event index. The main event index is also where you can sort through all of your events via the dropdown menus at the top.
If your church only has one campus, the campus dropdown will not appear on the admin or public page.
Public Page View
By taking these two organizational steps on the backend of Registrations, you can make event registration a simpler and more pleasant experience for your church members and visitors.
Instead of scrolling through a seemingly infinite number of events across multiple campuses and every ministry on earth to find a specific event, they can sort via the Campus and Category dropdown menus at the top to find the events relevant to them and their families.
Additionally, a unique web address is generated for every campus/category combination, so you can easily share the link to ministry specific events (all children’s ministry events, youth events etc.) with the people in your church.
Please let us know what you think and how we can improve this feature and our app overall—we will always welcome your feedback.
More soon! Team Reggies