We've got a big update for PCO People today. Let's get right to it!

Private Tabs

A GIF of a drop-down menu of sharing options. Custom tabs and fields let you attach personalized data to the people in your church. Until now these fields have been visible to all the admins in your PCO People account. Today we're making these tabs even more useful by allowing you to limit access to that data.

Now when you are editing a tab, you can choose who to share it with. You can share the information on that tab with everyone who has a specific permission in PCO People, or just share it with individual people.

Send Emails to a List

Back in July we launched our integration with MailChimp. The integration allowed you to sync a list in PCO People to a segment in Mailchimp, so that you could easily create a new campaign in Mailchimp without having to export a list and then import it into Mailchimp manually. This was one of our most requested features ever, and in just a few months hundreds of churches have already started using it.

Now this feature is getting even better by letting you compose and send basic emails without ever leaving PCO People! When you click the email icon you'll be able to compose your message and send it through your Mailchimp account using a basic template. We've also added a new permissions option so that you can limit which users have access to this feature.

A blank email composition box with from, subject line, and body fields.

If you'd still like to just sync your list and then create your campaign using all the features of Mailchimp, you can do that by clicking on the 'Sync to MailChimp' button in the sidebar.

Better Placeholder Avatars

We've added new and improved placeholder avatars for people's profiles. You probably don't have a picture for everyone in your database, but now the placeholder avatar is customized based on their age and gender so at a glance you know if they're a man, woman, boy, or girl. We plan on using these updated avatars across all of our apps in the coming weeks.

A grid of profiles with names and avatars.

The inspiration for this feature came in an email from a user. We love that! If you have any feedback, we'd love to hear from you too!

More Stuff Coming

I can barely contain my excitement for the features we have in the pipeline that are being worked on by such a great team who are at the top of their game. It's really special to be on this team serving you every day.

Until next time!