About GivFlow
GivFlow makes growth simple by giving you the data and visuals you can actually understand. We know exactly what a healthy giving ministry looks like and can easily identify areas for improvement, or areas to keep an eye on. We help turn your data into action and pastoral connection.
How it works with Planning Center
Every donation that comes in through Planning Center gets instantly sent to us where we analyze it for trends and unique insights you wouldn't have known otherwise. We identify who your active donors are, and as a by product, who your lapsed donors are. We help identify donors that are increasing/decreasing giving, and those that have given the same for long periods of time. We provide metrics that are easy to use, understand, and apply. Once we've processed your data, we'll sync the most important information back to Planning Center in a custom tab so you can run lists, automations, and workflows - turn those data points into direct action and help grow your donors and retain them for longer.
Easily identify lapsed donors in GivFlow and Planning Center
Weekly/Monthly email reports to keep you and your team informed on your church's giving health
Get insightful data points like ""Lifetime Giving"" that gives you an average donated amount per new donor at your church
Grow your donors that haven't adjusted their giving in long periods of time
Combine GivFlow data with Planning Center lists + automation + workflows using the GivFlow custom tab synced nightly
Works with these Planning Center products:
GivFlow provided all content for this page. If you have any questions about how they or their integrations work with Planning Center, contact them for support.