If you’ve spent time planning out the music for your church’s worship services, you know there are tons of moving parts.
From scheduling the musicians to picking the right songs that fit the occasion or sermon, to getting the band everything they need to be ready to rehearse. But one of the most time-consuming parts of the whole planning process is reporting your song usage to CCLI.
Now, you can submit your reports to CCLI automatically and save valuable time!
The Former Process of Logging Your Song Usage
CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International) has been providing solutions to ethically and lawfully enable music sharing for years. So, if you utilize CCLI for your church's music copyright licensing, you’ve probably been part of the reporting process.
Every time you add songs to your worship set, you have to keep track of a few different types of song usage. Then, you enter those numbers into specific fields in Planning Center, print a weekly report totaling those numbers, and use that report to manually duplicate the same information on the CCLI side of things. Those are a lot of steps!
Well, we’re changing the tune.
With a single checkbox, you can enable Planning Center to automatically send your song reports to CCLI.
Report Your Songs to CCLI Automatically from Services
On the Songs page in Planning Center Services, select the gear icon to open the CCLI Settings popup.
Then check the box to enable Auto Reporting—that’s it!

Every Monday we’ll automatically send a report to CCLI of all the songs you used in the past week. This includes songs from any Service Type.
How Reporting Shows in CCLI
CCLI will only show each song you use, once per day. So it won’t matter if you play the same song three times on a Sunday across three different Service Types—it’ll only be recorded once.
Only songs with CCLI numbers will be recorded. CCLI numbers are shown under the title of a song on any Song page. They’re usually included automatically when you add songs, so you won’t need to worry about keeping track of them.
By eliminating the large administrative task of manually reporting your songs, we hope you can be more free to focus on planning meaningful worship services!
💚 Team Services