Many of our features come directly from customer requests. These requests help us understand what you want to see next and which parts of the product need improvement.

So let’s look at the newest customer-requested feature: alert options for Planning Center Giving! Giving administrators can now find this on their profile under the “User Profile” tab.

Customize Notifications for What You Care About

We’re often asked, “How do I know when people give online?” An email about every new donation makes sense because a $200 gift or a newly established recurring donation feels like a big deal!

But, a year later, two-hundred dollar donations might seem more common. Congregants are setting up recurring donations almost daily because Church Center is so easy to use. You’re no longer calling them “online” donations because it’s the de facto way people give.

The product is doing its job. Now you only need to know about the really big stuff—so customize your notifications for what you most care about.

Email and In-Product Notifications

After releasing the Planning Center Notifications Inbox we decided now would be a great time to launch new notification options for Giving.

Each of these options will generate both an email and a corresponding in-product notification. If you see the email first, clicking the action item within the email will mark the corresponding in-product notification as read.

This is Giving’s first foray into participating in Planning Center’s new centralized notification system—we expect it will grow and become more powerful in time and with your feedback, so please let us know what you’d like to see. Because we like your feature requests; nay, we love them!

💛 Team Giving