Over the past few months, customers have been adding a lot of events to Resources. More events, more folders, more people, more everything!

We listened to your feedback and we've released some small improvements today that should help you work a little smarter and a little faster.

Quick-Search Events

An events search bar with populated search results.If your church makes heavy use of folders and has lots of events, it can be a pain to find a specific event. Not anymore! This feature, which works on mobile screens and the full desktop view, will search all your event titles- instantly!

Find Events With Pending Approvals

A list of events with their approval or pending status listed next to them.Looking for an event that has pending approvals? Now, folders that contain pending events are labeled "Pending Events."

Instantly View People Permissions

A list of events with the event admin or schedule tags assigned to them.Some information has been added to this page to improve its usefulness at-a-glance. The first is the email address of every person. The second is a row of icons indicating the permissions levels of each person within Resources.

Faster Guts

If you have a ton of events in your Resources account you may have noticed some sluggishness. Simple explanation: We fixed that. Nerdy explanation: We took some time to upgrade a core piece of technology used by Resources. Level 10 Web Geek explanation: Read on, neckbeard.

Let us know what you think and enjoy the faster, nimbler Resources! More new features to come.