It was about 5 years ago when Aaron Stewart and myself sat in a room talking about the possibility of making a small Worship Planning tool for my church. Since that time it has been mostly me doing the design & development of Planning Center Online. Well over the last couple of months you have seen that change.
First off we have an awesome designer, Shane, who has designed Planning Center Music Stand, Planning Center Live 2.0 and now is putting his skills onto the rest of the Planning Center Site. As you will see below we have started the process of adding a whole new level of spit and polish to the Planning Center interface and I am just blown away by the detail that he puts into every part of Planning Center that he touches.
Second, we have added Scott, a great ruby developer who has been working on our other product Smart Events for the past year. We already have some more features waiting in the wings that just need some polishing and documentation before you see them in the next couple of weeks.
New Dialog Design!
Hello, my name is Jeff and I'm not a designer. But Shane is and he has spent the last several weeks going through every single Planning Center dialog and making it look amazing!
Apply A Template
Now you can also apply elements from a template or one of the plans you have recently viewed to an existing plan. To do this hover over "Add An Item" in an existing plan and click "Apply A Template". You will be able to choose what you want to apply from the selected Plan or Template: Plan Items, People & Notes. This will be great if you have teams or regularly scheduled people that you don't assign until after the plan has been created.
Quickly Assign People To Properties
To make it easier to manage who is assigned to each custom property we have added the ability to quickly add & remove people without having to go to their profile. This will allow you to see exactly who is assigned to your Keys property for example, and make sure it is correct. Administrators can go to the main people page, click edit properties in the Custom Properties box on the left, and then click the pencil on any specific property to add or remove people.
Custom Report Enhancements
We've added some new capabilities to our custom reports (arrays) and completely overhauled the Sample Matrix Report and Sample Planning Center Online plan report. The Sample Matrix report now shows rows for all the people positions and plan notes. We removed the Planning Center Online (Columns) sample plan report and added the ability to view columns in the regular PCO sample report.
As usual, we are really excited for the future. We've submitted the Planning Center Music Stand iPad app version 1.2 with annotations to the app store and expect it to be released soon. We've added previous and forward links to our mobile site to quickly switch between plans. We hope you love all the new features and thank you for all your continued support.
In Him,
Jeff Berg Owner/Developer Ministry Centered Technologies
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